World of Cultivation

Nine Hundred and Four – Bie Han Vs Mu Xuan

Bie Han had displayed his talents very early on, but his sensitive heritage became an obstacle for him learning more. Therefore, he could only learn and model tactics and strategies on his own. He was like a lonely genius that learned through repeated trial and error, discarded in a corner.

His obsessiveness and cold demeanor had formed during that time.

Even later while he was leading Sin Battalion, other than receiving the right to read the battle general jade scrolls, no one taught him, and no one conversed with him.

However, he was like all of the silent and stoic geniuses. He did a simple thing repeatedly.

Battle formations were one of the things he studied the most thoroughly, and one of the few things he could study. He had studied all the battle formations variations in the jade scrolls that Xuan Kong Temple allowed him to read. He was not satisfied with memorizing them, he had started to deconstruct each one, model and try to understand them from the source.

Sin Battalion became his experimental subjects, and the way to test if he was correct.

He had found many solutions to formations that other people did not know.

The Five Star Formation Break was one of those.

This method did not come from any jade scroll. This was a simple and effective way to resolve, developed after reading and synthesizing a large number of battle formations.

This was the first time he used it in combat.

The five dots of light seemed to slowly enter the whirlpool. The constantly moving whirlpool suddenly stilled.

Mu Xuan was astounded. What was this?

This whirlpool sword formation was one of her best sword formations. This had never occurred before in past battles. Even the most powerful attacks would be dissolved in the sword formation.

This was ... ...

She could feel that there seemed to be an invisible barrier that separated the sword energies from each other. She almost didn’t believe her eyes. How was it possible? The reason that the whirlpool sword formation was powerful was because the sword energies were connected in a special way. They could attract and repel each other. The sword energies formed a sticky field between them.

Water was only powerful when it was flowing.

Once it slowed down, its power greatly decreased.

What were those five dots of light ... ...

As the sword energies flowed slower and slower, Mu Xuan’s expression became ugly. She immediately decided and shouted, “Three Charge Sword Formation!”

The battle formation that had been in the shape of a whirlpool suddenly scattered. The battle formation rippled as though it was water, each layer rhythmically opening and closing.

Suddenly the sword xiu at the very back of the battle formation released sword energies.

From the back of the battle formation, they started to release sword energies. The waves gathered. When the sword energies appeared at the front of the formation, the sword energies were a furious wave!


The angry wave formed out of thousands of sword energies released a sound that made people tremble.

Bie Han was expressionless. How could he not recognize a foundational formation like the Three Charge Sword Formation? Three Charge Sword Formation, with each wave being stronger than the last, and the waves were connected. When the first wave reached the enemy, the third wave would have been prepared.

One wave after another rushing forth, each wave stronger than the last. Simple, but at Mu Xuan Battalion’s skill level most people would panic at the continuous onslaught.

Each sword xiu in Mu Xuan’s sword battalion was outstanding. The sword energies they released were condensed and powerful. Their actions could be called perfect, and they were accurately controlled.

The gathering of almost ten thousand sword energies was not disorganized at all.

Bie Han knew what Mu Xuan thought. Mu Xuan was preying on the fact that Sin Battalion did not have many people. Three Charge Sword Formation not a clever sword formation. Its strength relied on the number of people and the training.

Mu Xuan Battalion had the advantage of numbers. As one of Kun Lun’s top battalions, she had been able to easily form a large battalion out of Kun Lun’s powerful sword xiu system. If she did not have a preference for female xiu, the size of her battalion could have been larger. Unlike Xue Dong, Mu Xuan did not pick the strongest sword xiu, but emphasized the sword xiu’s ability to obey orders and their discipline. Her battalion was easy to replenish, and due to this, her numbers were high.

She had suffered a small loss at Gongye Xiao Rong’s hands only a short while ago but she had still easily supplemented her numbers to almost ten thousand people.

Bie Han was not affected. A fight between top battalions did not depend on numbers.

Facing the howling sword energy waves, Bie Han was expressionless. He suddenly moved and charge towards the howling sword energy waves. Sin Battalion spread out silently behind him.

He chopped with his hand.

The red hand energy was like a blade.

Sin Battalion all chopped with their hands in unison.

The thousands of red hand energies flew like birds into the hand energy Bie Han released.

The energy suddenly multiplied exponentially in size and roared intimidatingly as it faced the sword energy waves.

One blue energy, one red energy. One surging powerfully, one razor sharp.

Bie Han’s next move made people jump in fright.

Charging at the formation!

He led Sin Battalion and drew out threads of red energy in the air to follow closely behind the red hand energy and charged.

Was this person crazy?

Mu Xuan stilled and almost exclaimed in shock. If the two waves of power collided head on, it would explode. Wasn’t charging at this time seeking death?

The power of a shen power collision at such a strength was enough to flatten a town. Even Sin Battalion would die if they were in range of the clash.

Bie Han was moving with his back slightly bent. Sin Battalion moved the same way he did. They followed closely behind Bie Han in their battle formation.

If this was at any other place, Mu Xuan would find it clownish and laughable, but right now, she couldn’t laugh.

Because he was Bie Han.

Mu Xuan’s eyes were wide. She didn’t even dare to blink.

When she saw what happened next, she almost didn’t believe her eyes.


Like thick cloth tearing, the reddened blade seemed to slice through butter. The flaming red energy easily cut through the first sword energy wave.


When the red energy cut through the sword energy wave, the sword energy wave exploded like a pillow stuffed with feathers. Tens of thousands of sword energies exploding like feathers made a spectacular scene.

That “bam” was not loud but it was akin to thunder in Mu Xuan’s ears.

She looked dazedly at the sword energise shooting into the sky. They were completely out of control, he had disrupted her attack so easily.

How was it possible ... ... how was it possible ... ...

The scene in front of her completely upended all of her knowledge. She had never heard of this counter against the Three Charge Sword Formation.

A term jumped into her mind: deconstruction!

Yes, it was deconstruction!

The sword energy wave was deconstructed in moments!

That was why there was no explosion!

The uncontrolled sword energies entered Bie Han’s battalion. Sin Battalion lit up with light. At the center of the battle formation, an enormous white lotus appeared and slowly spun. It gave off faint walls of light. The sword energies only created small ripples when they hit the curtains of light.

Mu Xuan recognized this battle formation. A classic defense battle formation from Xuan Kong Temple, Wood Lotus Protector!

Mu Xuan was astounded but the battle did not pause at all.

The icy blue mo matrix on Bie Han’s face suddenly lit up. The fiery blade in front of him made an extremely small tilt.



The sounds were the same as before, and the effects were the same.

The second wave of sword energies were immediately broken down. The sword energies filled the sky.

Hiss! Bam!

The third sword energy wave arrived quickly after and almost reached Bie Han at the same moment the second wave did, however, it was not of any threat to Bie Han.

Mu Xuan’s heart felt a chill. She smelt the scent of danger.

She felt a thread of terror at Bie Han’s skill in battle formations. She had never thought that there would be a day that she would be defeated in the field she was best in.

Bie Han’s understanding of the Three Charge Sword Formation was greater than hers. She could not do what he did.

She knew that Bie Han’s fire blade had to have been aimed at the crucial point of the sword energy wave to have such stunning effects. However, while she understood it, she still felt great fear. That wave was made from almost ten thousand sword energies. They were more than tens of thousands of changes occurring in one instant.

He was able to find the weakness of the sword energy wave among such complex changes!

She could not do it!

However, there was no time for her to think. Bie Han had closed the distance between them.

If this was a few moments ago, she would have been overjoyed. Their most effective move was to use the sword formation to trap the enemy. But now, she lost all confidence. Would the sword formation be able to trap the enemy?

She didn’t dare to think deeply about this question.

She forced herself to calm down. The long sword in her hand waved down. The battalion spread out around her in response.

In the sky, Bie Han saw all this. He was unaffected and continued to follow the hand energy. Sin Battalion silently changed position around him.

The Wood Lotus Protector Formation suddenly shifted into a classic offensive formation, Fearless Charge Formation!

The Fearless Charge Formation came from the Fearless Seal of the Dhyana xiu. It emphasized being fearless in mind, and all minds as one, to attack from the front, and defeat others based on strength.

How could Mu Xuan not recognize the famed Fearless Charge Formation?

She took a deep breath and raised her sword. A round sword energy floated up under her feet.

Inside the flowing battle formation, everyone raised their flying swords like Mu Xuan. Round sword essence appeared below each person’s feet.

Round Hold Formation!

Round shapes rose from under the sword xiu, sliding across their bodies and flying into the sky along their swords.

If one looked down from above, they would see thousands of round sword essences. They looked soft and weak like a group of jellyfish floating out of the ocean.

Round Hold Formation was the counter to Fearless Charge Formation.

Any battle general that had proper training in Kun Lun would not make a mistake in this. The four great sects of the past had competed intensely and were familiar with each other’s battle formations. In the training of battle generals, there were descriptions of the classical battle formations of other sects and how to defeat them.

Kun Lun battle formations focused on offensive power. The Round Hold Formation, however, was the best choice to defeat the Fearless Charge Formation. Even Xuan Kong Temple’s teaching materials in the past emphasized that one could not use the Fearless Charge Formation against Kun Lun’s Round Hold Formation.

Bie Han’s lips were in an imperceptible curve.

Just as he expected!

He had no real intentions of changing. The distance between the two sides was rapidly decreasing.

Sin Battalion suddenly flashed with light. Bie Han’s hands moved like flowers blooming.

A golden giant hand appeared in front of the battle formation.

The hand formed the Fearless Seal!

A fearless and powerful presence suddenly formed.

When the Fearless Seal appeared, it was like a mountain pressing down. The presence was so ferocious people felt as though they could not fight back. That red hand energy seemed insignificant in comparison.

Mu Xuan was puzzled that Bei Han was following through on the attack but she didn’t have time to think. She could only prepare to receive the attack.

Yet unexpectedly, that powerful and enormous Fearless Seal suddenly sank and hit that red hand energy that had been dismissed by others already!

Translator Ramblings: Not much to say. The character development of Bie Han is coming a bit late though.

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