The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 574 - Divine Land

"Why would you help me?" Esdat asked with doubt.

"I told you, this is my way paying you." Jin Rou leaned on the chair, quite relaxed, "So are you in or not? This is my final time that I\'ll ask this."

Esdat had still some doubts about Jin Rou. However, a great fortune presented itself in front of him and he only need to grab it. If he didn\'t, he might regret it for the rest of his life, "Okay, what should I do to break this bottleneck?"

"Smart decision." Jin Rou smiled and observed him, "You are stuck in this bottleneck for such a long time now with no hope to break it, right? That is because you already believed there is no hope to overcome it."

"I believed it...?" Esdat was stumped.

"You did, and you still do." Jin Rou laughed, "Your soul, body, and mind have already imprinted to you that you will never able to overcome this bottleneck and remain as a Heavenly forever."

He paused for a moment and continued, "As a matter of fact, even though I already said that you still have a chance to breakthrough, you still doubted it."

Esdat had no say about this, "But it\'s normal to have some doubts. After all, I haven\'t been able to progress for so long now."

"You aren\'t making a progress because you think you won\'t have any." Jin Rou said, "You already gave up midway without doing everything. And now, you are already satisfied just being a mere Heavenly. Isn\'t that funny?"

This time, Esdat had no retort. It was true. All Jin Rou were true and there was no room for him to give retort.

"What should I do then?" Esdat took a deep sigh. Finally having believed Jin Rou.

"Simple. I just need you to realize that you really still have a chance to breakthrough." Jin Rou smirked, "Although everything will be up to you and your fortune if you will succeed. I will only give you a single chance, a hope to cling on."

Then, Jin Rou put something on the table. It was an old book that he got from Redboa Ancient Emperor. He got many good things there, after all.

Esdat looked at the old book and scanned its contents. Following which, his eyes widened and almost his soul got out of his body, "This...!"

"You seem knowledgeable about this book, so that will leave me one less trouble of explaining." Jin Rou calmly spoke like a flow of water, "I have gotten this during my travel in the Lower Immortal, and it was in the burial grounds of an Ancient Emperor."

"Just an Ancient Emperor?" Esdat doubted his ears if he heard it right. Ancient Emperors were only ants in the eyes of this world, so how lucky was that guy to have this type of book?

"The emperor probably didn\'t know about its uses so he just set it as a commodity that could be taken." Jin Rou laughed, "Anyway, that book is a complete one and your one last chance. So be sure to use it well."

Esdat stood up and bowed sincerely in front of Jin Rou, "I thank you for giving me this chance."

The book was truly his chance to breakthrough. In fact, it was a priceless treasure that countless powerhouses would fight over with. Furthermore, Jin Rou knew its worth yet he casually gave it to him like it was nothing. Esdat\'s view of the other party was getting larger and larger.

"There\'s no need for this ceremony." Jin Rou waved his hands off, "You deserve it as well. You are stuck for thousands of years now, so it\'s time for you to take a bite of this opportunity."

Jin Rou stood up afterwards and said, "We will be leaving now as I already upheld the end of my deal."

Esdat bowed one more time and said, "Please take care and have a safe journey."

"And I wish you success in your attempt." Jin Rou said. In reality, he could help the other party successfully became an origin but he chose not to for some reason. Just giving him this chance was more than enough.

After bidding goodbyes, Jin Rou and Zacharite left the Faction Headquarters.


The Divine Land was the High and Low Divination\'s territory. It was vast that you couldn\'t travel it for days and weeks. You might need a month to wholly travel the entire land.

If a cultivator wanted to seek for epiphany and beliefs, the Divine Land was the best place to go. After all, Divine Beliefs could boost one\'s power to another level. Of course, not everyone could have beliefs because they wanted it.

This was Jin Rou\'s next destination and have reached this place after three days of flying fast.

"This lands stinks." For someone like Zacharite of the hell, this land was the worst and all. Nevertheless, he still gritted his teeth to accompany Jin Rou here.

"If your body cannot take it, just wait for me outside." Jin Rou laughed. He had no particular important reason to come over here. He was just curious what sort of Divine Land this was.

"Please forgive me, Young Master." Zacharite did his best but he couldn\'t accompany Jin Rou to roam around this land full of divinity. Thus, he withdrew and stationed outside of the land.

Jin Rou didn\'t mind this and continued strolling the Divine Land. He passed by beautiful beautiful sea of flowers, calming huge falls, and pits that echoed everything. If Jin Rou would compare the divine level of this place, it might be on par with Prime Universe\'s. Anyway, he was just here to roam around since it\'s free and there\'s no restriction.

After strolling for an hour, Jin Rou found a large and ancient tree and decided to take a rest under. The tree wiggled its branches, seemingly welcoming Jin Rou well.

"An ancient tree that survived the disasters of time." Jin Rou caressed the tree and smiled, "You did a great job surviving after all these years."

Jin Rou saw the millions of mysteries under the ancient tree that no one had ever discovered. And if it\'s some random person out there who had, their power level would be boosted to another whole realm.

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