The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 805 The Dao Heart

Jin Rou looked at her and chuckled, "You don\'t want to block my path. Even Eurydice will not dare in her many lives."

It was the truth. Who would dare block the path of the Primordial Emperor? No one was a threat to him. All beings here were below him and were not qualified to be called as equals except for the very few hidden existences. This young still had too much to travel before blocking Han Li\'s path.

For some unknown reason, the woman felt a chill crawling under her skin. She tempered her mentality not to be afraid of anything, but it turned out that she could still be afraid. Unknowingly, she cleared the path by turning sideways.

"As her descendant, I will let this slide." Jin Rou said as he browsed through another book.

"Are you a friend of my mother?" The woman asked. She was unwilling to let the answers go.

"A friend." Jin Rou laughed a bit. Memories with the monarch surged forth from Han Li\'s memories. However, he had no plan in answering the question and instead said, "You should focus on tempering your dao heart instead of asking an irrelevant question."

"My dao heart is firm and steady." The woman exclaimed. If it\'s the dao heart, she was very confident that she attained an exceptional level in it.

"Firm and steady? You were shaken when you heard the name of your parent. How can that be firm and steady?" Jin Rou smirked, "The dao heart is not ephemeral. It is infinity. A firm dao heart cannot be shaken no matter what the world shows and presents."

The woman smacked her lips. She had no rebuttal for this. The man was right. If her dao heart was firm, why was it shaken? It shouldn\'t be the case.

"Your mother has an extraordinary dao heart. That\'s why she manages to reach the level where she is now." Jin Rou said, "If you want to progress, you have to have the same dao heart as hers. After all, your dao laws are specifically focused on the dao heart."

Eurydice Dao Monarch was a very strong 12-palace existence not because of her level. It was because of her unshakeable dao heart that persevered in the dao. Many were afraid of her as she was too difficult to handle.

Furthermore, her daughter had a more unbelievable talent that had a high chance of surpassing her in the near future. It was all depended on luck, time, efforts, and resources.

"How can I make my heart be unshakeable?" The woman asked. She was here because she got an intel that she could find about the laws of dao hearts here in Sky River Arena. She traveled from afar to get answers. Unfortunately, though the arena had the books about dao heart, it was too shallow that it couldn\'t help her out.

Jin Rou didn\'t answer her question. The woman then knelt and said, "Pardon for my audacity a while ago. I was in the wrong."

"Are you apologizing because you want to learn something from me?" Jin Rou raised his brow.

"Yes." The woman didn\'t hide her intention and went to be honest and frank about it, "I can feel that you are the only person in this realm who can help me regarding this."

"Smart." Jin Rou smiled and said, "Very well, since you\'re a bit interesting I shall show you the way."

He then walked passed her and float above the vast sea. His back felt it showed the heavy mountains it carried along his way. He looked like a huge wall that couldn\'t be overcame by both sides.

"The dao heart is not an essence. It is part of your vitality, your life itself. If you see dao heart as your essence, you will see it as a thing you must acquire. That\'s wrong." Jin Rou began explaining. His profound words echoed in the world as he continued, "You must see it as your life. By then, you will see the right way for your dao heart. Everything will be up to you."

It was brief and short. However, it contained the grandest words of the world. It contained the mysteries and secrets between the realms.

"See it as my life..." The woman murmured. She felt refreshed for the first time as she carefully digested the words.

Jin Rou didn\'t disturb her. He just browsed some books while waiting for the woman to fully digest it. Hours passed, the woman opened her eyes and kowtowed in front of Jin Rou, "Erine wants to express her deepest gratitude to you, Senior."

"Don\'t call me senior. It\'s making me old while I\'m still young." Jin Rou said, "Stand up. What you have acquired is because you have the talent and time. Slowly nurture it and you will have an unshakeable dao heart like your mother."

"Shall I mention this event to my mother?" Erine asked. She wanted to ask permission if it\'s okay. She usually couldn\'t hide anything from her mother.

"With your level, she can instantly know everything." Jin Rou shook his head, "Just tell her. You cannot keep it from her anyway."

Erine was about to leave the room when she suddenly stopped. Jin Rou looked at her and found out she seemed to be hesitating, "If you want to know my connection with your mother, it\'s just simply a disciple and master relationship."

"I see. Then I\'ll be off, Master." Erine didn\'t probe further and bowed once again before leaving. She needed to go home immediately so that she could practice the new teachings she learned.

Jin Rou sighed. It\'s simpler to answer like that. It wouldn\'t complicate things and all. Besides, he wasn\'t Han Li to begin with so he wouldn\'t meddle much in the issue.

"Now, time to take it back." Jin Rou stood up. He had a single aim when he entered this room and that was to take an item back. It\'s his to begin with.

Slowly, he walked through many shelves and stopped at a single wooden and rundown shelf of books. Based on the dusts it accumulated, it had been so long since someone touched it.

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